Cold smoked salmon pasta is a very quick and delicious dish. Cream, lemon and dill – you can’t go wrong with these ingredients.

Cold Smoked Salmon Pasta
- 500 g penne pasta
- a generous amount of salt in boiling water
- 300 g cold smoked salmon
- 3 sprigs celery stalk or a sprig of leek
- 2 dl cream
- 0.5 dl good quality olive oil
- 1 lemon
- 1 bunch dill or parsley
- ½ teaspoon white pepper
- Bring the pasta to the boil in 2 litres of water. Salt generously. Remember that the pasta must be over cooked.
- Chop the celery stalk and cut the cold smoked salmon. Fry the celery in olive oil for a while in a pan. Squeeze in the lemon juice. Add the cream. Season with white pepper.
- Add another 2 dl of pasta cooking water to the pan. Bring the sauce to the boil and leave to stand.
- When the pasta is cooked, pour off the excess water and stir in the cream sauce and the chopped cold-smoked salmon. Chop the dill into the mixture.
- Serve the Cold Smoked Salmon Pasta immediately garnished with dill sprigs.
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Last Updated on June 11, 2022 by Flavorado
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