Fresh homemade pasta takes your Italian recipes to a whole new level. For example, lasagne gets a great firm texture with homemade pasta sheets. A Pasta maker is an invaluable tool for making the great pasta.

Homemade Pasta
- 1 Pasta maker
- 3 eggs organic
- 4 dl durum wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Make a hole in the middle.
- Crack the eggs into the flour hole. Begin kneading the dough by gradually kneading the flour into the egg mixture.
- Knead the dough really well. It should be quite stiff in the end, add more flour if necessary.
- At this stage, the fresh pasta can also be frozen for later use – although it won’t be nearly as good as fresh.
- Make a ball of pasta dough and cover with cling film. Leave it to settle in the fridge for at least 15 minutes.
- Cut the pasta dough into smaller pieces. Roll the pasta dough through the Pasta maker and start working the pasta into the desired shape and use. Start with the widest gap and work your way to thickness you need. Sprinkle flour generously to avoid pasta sticking in Pasta maker.
- Cook in a fair amount of water with a generous amount of salt. Fresh pasta cooks quickly – in just a few minutes.
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Last Updated on June 12, 2022 by Flavorado
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