Bring the spaghetti to the boil in well-salted water (10g/l). Be sure to leave it “al dente”. When the spaghetti is ready, reserve a cup of cooking water and pour off the rest of the water.
Dice the pork into a large pan and drizzle with olive oil. Trim the surfaces of the pork nicely.
Mix the sauce with yolks and grated pecorino. Set aside.
Pour the spaghetti into the pan and toss around with the pork. Add the sauce and swirl quickly until the eggs start to curdle a little.
Thin the spaghetti with the cooking water and serve the spaghetti carbonara with the grated black pepper.
Pan-European pasta carbonara
Bring the pasta to the boil in well-salted water (10g/l) . Remember to leave it “al dente”.
Put the oil and chopped onion in a pan and cook until soft. Add the chopped bacon, sugar, salt and pepper. Fry until cooked.
In a bowl, mix the cream, egg yolks and parmesan grated cheese. Add a generous amount of pepper and chopped garlic.
Drain the pasta and add the olive oil in a saucepan. Pour in the bacon mixture from the pan.
Pour the cream and cheese mixture into the pan and stir well. Remove from the plate and serve the pasta carbonara immediately.